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Age My Way is theme for Older Americans Month 2022

We traditionally celebrate Older Americans Month (OAM) each May. OAM is a time to acknowledge the contributions of past and current older persons in our country, in particular those who defended our country. Every President since Kennedy has issued a formal proclamation during or before the month...
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person sitting and holding a paper in front of their face

Managing the winter blues

Winter is upon us and those longer hours of darkness coupled with the colder temperatures can make many people experience those “winter blues.” Add the complications of COVID like continued distancing from others and the mental fatigue experienced by the longevity of the pandemic, and I’m afraid we...
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mother hugging her child

Helping children cope with disasters

Natural disasters, such as the recent tornadoes, wildfires, and floods along with other traumatic events like mass shootings and even the pandemic can be devastating for everyone. For children, just watching the news and listening to parents talk can make life’s events seem like they are out of...
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man reading book outside on a bench

Self-care is crucial for stress management

“If you don’t make time for your wellness, you will be forced to make time for your illness.” This was an anonymous quote that I recently reshared on Facebook since it truly resonated with me. I had been experiencing months of heavy stress and was not making the time for self-...
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An arrow that has the word Motivation on it.

Have an Olympic mindset

On Friday, July 23, 2021, the Olympic Games begin in Tokyo, Japan. There are 11,091 athletes estimated or expected to compete. My image of an athlete is an individual who is passionate, dedicated, determined, goal orientated, healthy, confident, motivated, and much more. Being prepared...
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flowerpot with plant and heart

Additional ways to build resilience

In the last article I shared with you many characteristics of people who manage well during difficult times. I would like to highlight several more for you in this article. Again, when faced with adversity, resilient people: Are positive and optimistic. Author/Philosopher Lawrence Pearsall Jacks...
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